After building of many drones time has come to make something more powerful and capable of caring more heavier cameras than GoPro.
First step was collecting of all parts.
2X FOXEER Reaper F4 65A, have been tested on my 7” rig and is working great.
Esc is coming factory coated but I did some extra.

FC Tmotor F7 Pro

2X Panasonic cap 1000F

RX Crossfire TBS Diversity

8X XNova motors 2808-13 1350 KV.
Really nice motors with so small clearance between motor bell and stator, have seen that only on Karearea motors.
DJI AIR unit (Soon will be upgraded with DJI air unit 03)

All parts have been coated for extra protection.

Tuning done through PIDtoolbox and Betaflight explorer.
Main wiring used for ESC was done with 10AWG wire.
Final product