
It all started a few years ago with the purchase of the first drone. Not long after, I discovered that there was a different, completely more dynamic way of flying. That was FPV (first-person view) flying.
After many sleepless nights and months of studying new technologies involved in this special way of flying and shooting, the journey through FPV began, which has gradually become a part of my life.
What makes flying an FPV drone so special is the freedom of movement in the airspace and the recording of shots at an unprecedented level.



After many years of photography, I’ve finally gotten the opportunity to fill my creativity with something special that has fulfilled me as a person and which has as a drone pilot given me the opportunity to leave a legacy of the amazing stories told by this type of flying.
The idea of is to explain to users the services we provide and how to, as easy as possible, access information related to filming.
Special thanks to my family, friends and mentor who greatly support me in everything I do. I can undoubtedly state that FPV has introduced a new chapter into my life, and I am looking forward to each and every new challenge that will come.


Vrh Martinšćice 85 B 51221 Kostrena
Croatia, EU
IBAN HR5723400091160692182

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Copyright © 2025 FPV Flight - Croatia.

Hosted, Design & Development By: 8Core Association



+385/91 502 2994  Negdje na kvarneru